FABster \’fab-stər\ n: noun — one who is Fifty And Beyond
Christine Chang Hanway, the writer, photographer and artist behind Fabulous Fabsters, is forever curious about people and their stories. So much so that she started Fabulous Fabsters to encourage women who are FAB — Fifty And Beyond — to share their life experiences. She felt they had much to impart that might teach and inspire others and she was right! In telling their stories, Christine has realised that she also has a lot to say and recently launched f² — the section of the website where she shares her own musings and miscellany on being FAB.
Christine grew up in Hartford, Connecticut — the eldest child of Chinese immigrant parents — where she and her 3 younger siblings navigated the cultural mores of New England in the 60’s and 70’s. In the 80’s, she left Hartford for New York to attend Barnard College and then to Cambridge, MA to get her Masters in Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. A lapsed architect but always a designer, she has worked in architecture, exhibition design and most recently as an editor of Remodelista where she continues to be the London correspondent. Fabulous Fabsters allows her to indulge her inner anthropologist and her preoccupation with gathering stories about why people do what they do.
Christine lives in London — home for the last 22 years — with her husband, their two twenty-something sons and their very friendly dog.